Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lots to Show and Tell

I have a lot of catching up to do. I always put off my blogging because it takes so darn long for the pictures to upload- and then I end up with a ton of pictures so it literally takes days to get a blog put together. Oh, how I dream of living somewhere (in Fairbanks) where I can get this done in less than a day.

So, this blog entry is composed of March 2011- May 2011.

Sopmewhere in the middle of March we took the boys down to Anchorage and Wasilla and theHunter competed in his first wrestling tournament. He had a lot of HEART, but didn't come out on top. It was a great experience.

Chance isn't old enough to compete yet, so he just wrestled friends in the group of wrestlers. He was particularly embarrassed that he got pinned by a 5 year old girl- we still tease him about it.