Monday, November 17, 2008

Chena Hotsprings

About and hour away from us, there is a hot springs called Chena Hot Springs. We decided to take a little get a way since Kelly had four days off this week. We loaded up the kids Saturday afternoon for a fun filled weekend. We swam in a not so warm pool, sat in a hot tub, Kelly and I sat in the big rock lake that is 146 degrees (we sat in there at seperate times because children aren't allowed), we drank hot chocolate, rested, laughed, and made memories.

Enjoying some Snow Monkey Hot Chocolate
(Hot Chocolate with Banana and Coconut Flavoring...YUMMY!)

Chancey and Momma warming up in the Activity Center

You gotta love a cute little diaper bum in some hi-tech long johns

Cute brothers having some fun in the sled

My favorite line that I heard this weekend was from Kelly and it went something like this
"I hate eating out with kids, it is like you can't really enjoy life."
For those who don't know, Kelly loves eating a good meal in a nice come visit and babysit for a good cause.

1 comment:

seleste said...

Wow. It is wild to see you all bundled up. It isn't winter yet, is it?! :)

What a fun weekend! I am impressed that you even attempt to eat out with your kids. We stopped doing that a long time ago. I would have to be sedated to try it again.